The local, state-qualifying Hershey meet has been moved to the Trussville Track. It will begin at 9:30, but you should arrive by 9 to register. Registration forms are available at Click on "Local Entry Form" on the left side of the screen.
This meet will also include events (not counting for Hershey qualifying) for ages 8 and under. There is no fee, but a $5 donation to help pay for awards is appreciated.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Awards Ceremony Info
Our awards ceremony will take place Saturday, May 1 at 4pm at the Trussville Intermediate School (formerly the Middle School--the one next to the track) Gymnasium. Bring your own seats unless you are okay with bleachers. Light refreshments will be served.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hershey Track and Field
I have received word on the Hershey Track and Field program several of our athletes participated in last year. It is for youth turning 9 this year through age 14. For info on specific events involved go to
The local, state-qualifying meet will be held at Lawson Field in Birmingham on May 8. The top 2 in each race advance to state which is the following weekend in Greenville, AL. I will hold additional practices the weeks before those meets for those interested in competing. Participation in these meets is typically less than $10 and is a good opportunity to compete with other youth around the area/state.
If you are interested in participating in this program, let me know within the next couple of weeks.
The local, state-qualifying meet will be held at Lawson Field in Birmingham on May 8. The top 2 in each race advance to state which is the following weekend in Greenville, AL. I will hold additional practices the weeks before those meets for those interested in competing. Participation in these meets is typically less than $10 and is a good opportunity to compete with other youth around the area/state.
If you are interested in participating in this program, let me know within the next couple of weeks.
Friday, April 2, 2010
2nd Meet Coming Up!
Well, we have been wishing for warmer weather, and by golly, we got it! I have seen some excellent running in the heat this week, and I'm sure it will pay off at our next meet. Be sure to bring water to practice every time!
Group coaches will be filling names into races for the meet over the next few days, so be sure to let them know at your next practice if you have specific preferences of what events you would like your child to be in.
Our Tuesday, Thursday group will be providing concessions for this meet. To keep my garage from getting too full of tempting snacks, we will just have the younger groups from Tues/Thurs bring concessions for this meet, and have the older groups from Tues,Thurs bring to the last meet. If you have more than one child, you only need to bring one item. Below is the breakdown of what we need from whom:
5 and under girls: cookies (like oreos, nutter-butters, etc) or chips
5 and under boys: non-chocolate candy (like sour straws, sourpatches, blow-pops, etc)
6 year olds: water or chips
7 year olds: Soda
I will be collecting these items at practice next week. Our concession stand did well last week--thanks for your support. The kids are all working so hard, it will be so nice to be able to have nice awards at the end of the season for them!
Group coaches will be filling names into races for the meet over the next few days, so be sure to let them know at your next practice if you have specific preferences of what events you would like your child to be in.
Our Tuesday, Thursday group will be providing concessions for this meet. To keep my garage from getting too full of tempting snacks, we will just have the younger groups from Tues/Thurs bring concessions for this meet, and have the older groups from Tues,Thurs bring to the last meet. If you have more than one child, you only need to bring one item. Below is the breakdown of what we need from whom:
5 and under girls: cookies (like oreos, nutter-butters, etc) or chips
5 and under boys: non-chocolate candy (like sour straws, sourpatches, blow-pops, etc)
6 year olds: water or chips
7 year olds: Soda
I will be collecting these items at practice next week. Our concession stand did well last week--thanks for your support. The kids are all working so hard, it will be so nice to be able to have nice awards at the end of the season for them!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
First Meet Complete!
The first home meet of the season is always a nervous time for me. This year was no different, especially with the increased number of participants we have. But, thanks to all the athletes who showed excellent sportsmanship, all the parents from our team and the visiting team who were supportive and encouraging, and all the volunteers who helped and were willing to "learn on the job," we had a really great day. We completed 65 track races, and had approximately 100 kids participate in 2 field events--all in just over 5 hours. That is over 12 events/ hour. WAY TO GO!!!
I want the next meet to be even better. I have mulled over and discussed with parents and coaches ways we can improve. We considered dropping the relay. It takes a long time to plan for and, compared to the other events, a long time to execute. However, it is the one "team" event in the meet, and a chance for runners of all levels to help each other achieve in ways they may not have the opportunity to otherwise. So, for the next meet, we won't be dropping the relay. But, in order to expedite the flow of things, we need more volunteers, particularly at the finish line timing. If you timed last time, WONDERFUL, please help out again! If you didn't help time but think you could, please send me an email. If we have 2 groups of 6 timers that take turns timing the events, we can move those who just ran off to the side to work out placement, times, and awards, while the next race gets set up and started. I believe this will SIGNIFICANTLY improve the flow of the meet.
Inherent with this sport are officiating mistakes. If you don't experience it at some point, you are unusual. Those officiating at the finish line are volunteers doing the best they can, but they ARE human. Use your best judgement when you see a mistake (regarding whether or not to address it), and please remember the goal of this program is to foster positive feelings in our children about themselves and toward the sport of track and field. I was very impressed with the sportsmanship displayed at the last meet, and I know it will continue.
Below are some pictures my dear husband and others took at the meet. Enjoy!!

I want the next meet to be even better. I have mulled over and discussed with parents and coaches ways we can improve. We considered dropping the relay. It takes a long time to plan for and, compared to the other events, a long time to execute. However, it is the one "team" event in the meet, and a chance for runners of all levels to help each other achieve in ways they may not have the opportunity to otherwise. So, for the next meet, we won't be dropping the relay. But, in order to expedite the flow of things, we need more volunteers, particularly at the finish line timing. If you timed last time, WONDERFUL, please help out again! If you didn't help time but think you could, please send me an email. If we have 2 groups of 6 timers that take turns timing the events, we can move those who just ran off to the side to work out placement, times, and awards, while the next race gets set up and started. I believe this will SIGNIFICANTLY improve the flow of the meet.
Inherent with this sport are officiating mistakes. If you don't experience it at some point, you are unusual. Those officiating at the finish line are volunteers doing the best they can, but they ARE human. Use your best judgement when you see a mistake (regarding whether or not to address it), and please remember the goal of this program is to foster positive feelings in our children about themselves and toward the sport of track and field. I was very impressed with the sportsmanship displayed at the last meet, and I know it will continue.
Below are some pictures my dear husband and others took at the meet. Enjoy!!

Friday, March 19, 2010
Important Info for First Meet
Our first meet is just a week away! Here is some important information for you to know:
1. Concessions: The concession stand is our team fund-raiser. Each family supplies one package of individually wrapped items (as categorized below), for the stand, and parent volunteers sell them during the meets. For this first meet, those who practice on Monday and Wednesday will be supplying the food . (Tues,Thurs will supply for the 2nd meet, and we will use what's left for the 3rd). The money we make from the concessions pays for the end-of-season awards and refreshments. Please bring your item to practice this week. I will have a bin there to put them in. If you have more than one child on the team, just choose one item to bring.
Under 5:Package of individually wrapped sweet items (M&M's , Skittles, Granola Bars, Cookies, Etc).
6-7: Package of individually wrapped single serving chips
8-12 Boys: Crackers
8-12 Girls: Gatorades, Soft-drinks
2. Events: Each athlete may participate in 3 individual track events, 1 relay, and 2 field events. Some of the youngest participants may not be ready to do that many events at the first meet, which is fine. If your child has preferences for which events he/she wants to do, be sure to let their coach know at the first practice this week. I plan to have the event schedule ready with lane assignments made by mid-week. Here is the list of available events:
1600m: All Ages
4x100m relay: All Ages (though many 3-4 yr olds may not be ready for this)
400m: All Ages
50yd: 8 and under
100m: All ages
800m: All ages (though few under 8 are ready by the first meet for this event)
200m: All ages
Shot-put: All ages (6lb shot for 8+, 4lb shot for 6-7, and 1lb softball for 5 and under)
Standing Long Jump: All ages
1. Concessions: The concession stand is our team fund-raiser. Each family supplies one package of individually wrapped items (as categorized below), for the stand, and parent volunteers sell them during the meets. For this first meet, those who practice on Monday and Wednesday will be supplying the food . (Tues,Thurs will supply for the 2nd meet, and we will use what's left for the 3rd). The money we make from the concessions pays for the end-of-season awards and refreshments. Please bring your item to practice this week. I will have a bin there to put them in. If you have more than one child on the team, just choose one item to bring.
Under 5:Package of individually wrapped sweet items (M&M's , Skittles, Granola Bars, Cookies, Etc).
6-7: Package of individually wrapped single serving chips
8-12 Boys: Crackers
8-12 Girls: Gatorades, Soft-drinks
2. Events: Each athlete may participate in 3 individual track events, 1 relay, and 2 field events. Some of the youngest participants may not be ready to do that many events at the first meet, which is fine. If your child has preferences for which events he/she wants to do, be sure to let their coach know at the first practice this week. I plan to have the event schedule ready with lane assignments made by mid-week. Here is the list of available events:
1600m: All Ages
4x100m relay: All Ages (though many 3-4 yr olds may not be ready for this)
400m: All Ages
50yd: 8 and under
100m: All ages
800m: All ages (though few under 8 are ready by the first meet for this event)
200m: All ages
Shot-put: All ages (6lb shot for 8+, 4lb shot for 6-7, and 1lb softball for 5 and under)
Standing Long Jump: All ages
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Back Access to the Track
Wed 3/3 and Thurs 3/4 Practice
The athletes were all able to do some real running at our second practice of the season. All did what is called in track a "pyramid" workout. This is where you run a series of ascending and/or descending distances on the track. Our Yellow and Green groups ran 100m, 50m, 50m, and 100m. They worked on watching their lanes--something that takes some concentration, even for seasoned runners. They also got to practice their first field event of the season: the standing long jump, which they seemed to really enjoy!
Our Pink and Blue groups' pyramid consisted of 200m, 100m, 100m, 200m. They also worked on staying in their lanes. They learned about the staggered start on the 200m, and why starting farther back doesn't mean you are running more. athletes will continue to work on running on the inside of the lanes so they don't run more than their competitors. The 8-12 yr olds also played Foxes and Hounds, which is a fun game and a good speed-burst workout.
Our Pink and Blue groups' pyramid consisted of 200m, 100m, 100m, 200m. They also worked on staying in their lanes. They learned about the staggered start on the 200m, and why starting farther back doesn't mean you are running more. athletes will continue to work on running on the inside of the lanes so they don't run more than their competitors. The 8-12 yr olds also played Foxes and Hounds, which is a fun game and a good speed-burst workout.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
First Practice Report of 2010
Our first practices went well. I was able to be at yesterday and today's practices, and I saw alot of smiling runners--even in the frigid temperatures!
As a group we talked about the importance of warming up our muscles and stretching, and then we went through our stretching routine. We also went over team and track rules.
The team then split into their age-groups. The Yellow (5 and under) and Green (6 and 7 yr olds) groups learned the difference between jogging, running, and sprinting. They also learned three dynamic movement exercises: high-knees, bum-kicks, and bounding. Have your child demonstrate these to you if you want to learn, too!
The Blue (8-12 yr boys) and Pink (8-12 yr girls) groups worked on their dynamic movement exercises, too. They are harder to learn than they look, but all were catching on the more they worked at it! We do these exercises to further prep our muscles for fast-movement.
As a group we talked about the importance of warming up our muscles and stretching, and then we went through our stretching routine. We also went over team and track rules.
The team then split into their age-groups. The Yellow (5 and under) and Green (6 and 7 yr olds) groups learned the difference between jogging, running, and sprinting. They also learned three dynamic movement exercises: high-knees, bum-kicks, and bounding. Have your child demonstrate these to you if you want to learn, too!
The Blue (8-12 yr boys) and Pink (8-12 yr girls) groups worked on their dynamic movement exercises, too. They are harder to learn than they look, but all were catching on the more they worked at it! We do these exercises to further prep our muscles for fast-movement.
Practice today
If the rain continues to hold, we will still have practice at 5pm today. If parents can stick around or be back by 5:40, we will end early. Today's practice is mostly an orientation and overview of warm-up and stretching routines, so we should be able to wrap it up quickly.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Registration Closed, Time for Track!!
Monday and Tuesday will be our first practices. Be at the track by 5pm. Make sure your parents are there to get you at 6pm. Wear a jacket-- our first few practices will likely be a bit chilly.
The grand total of athletes participating this year is 99! We have a great group of coaches looking forward to getting to know each of you!
The grand total of athletes participating this year is 99! We have a great group of coaches looking forward to getting to know each of you!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Practice and Meet Schedule Posted!!
See the sidebar on the right of your screen for the 2010 practice and meet schedule.
More registration info:
Fees for 2010 season will be $10 per family, $15 per child meet fee (one-time fee covers all three home meets--so still $5/meet). T-shirts will be $10 and singlets (synthetic running tanks) will be available to purchase as well. I'm still working on those prices.*** The t-shirt design will not change from last year, so if yours still fits, you won't need a new one!
Look forward to seeing many of last year's faces on February 16 at 6pm at The Trak Shak and many new faces on February 18 at 6pm at The Trak Shak!!
***Synthetic running team tanks will be available in youth sizes this year for $13***
More registration info:
Fees for 2010 season will be $10 per family, $15 per child meet fee (one-time fee covers all three home meets--so still $5/meet). T-shirts will be $10 and singlets (synthetic running tanks) will be available to purchase as well. I'm still working on those prices.*** The t-shirt design will not change from last year, so if yours still fits, you won't need a new one!
Look forward to seeing many of last year's faces on February 16 at 6pm at The Trak Shak and many new faces on February 18 at 6pm at The Trak Shak!!
***Synthetic running team tanks will be available in youth sizes this year for $13***
Friday, January 15, 2010
Registration for 2010 Season!!
Returning Participants:
Registration will be at The TrakShak in Trussville February 16 at 6pm.
New Participants:
Registration will be at The TrakShak in Trussville February 18 at 6pm.
I do not have our practice and meet schedule finalized, but I expect it to be very similar to last year. I will post it as soon as it is ready.
***Important note to New Participants: It is possible that we won't have to cap the number of participants this year, but it will require 4+ parents who are willing to volunteer to coach. The time requirement will be 2 afternoons/week for 1 hour and Saturday mornings for 1.5 hours. If we can pull this together, we can allow our program numbers to grow! If you are new to this program and are interested in being a coach, please let me know via
Looking forward to another great Trackster season!!
Registration will be at The TrakShak in Trussville February 16 at 6pm.
New Participants:
Registration will be at The TrakShak in Trussville February 18 at 6pm.
I do not have our practice and meet schedule finalized, but I expect it to be very similar to last year. I will post it as soon as it is ready.
***Important note to New Participants: It is possible that we won't have to cap the number of participants this year, but it will require 4+ parents who are willing to volunteer to coach. The time requirement will be 2 afternoons/week for 1 hour and Saturday mornings for 1.5 hours. If we can pull this together, we can allow our program numbers to grow! If you are new to this program and are interested in being a coach, please let me know via
Looking forward to another great Trackster season!!
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