Saturday, March 28, 2009


So, all that stuff I suggested would be good for a rainy day, didn't apply to today. It NEVER rained past about 8:30. I looked at three different forecasts, looked at radars and hourly predictors. All said to expect thunderstorms at 10 or 11 and rain throughout the morning.

The positive side to this is that we didn't risk slipping on a slick track. We didn't have to slosh through mud to the shot-put and have the shot caked in mud after each throw. And we didn't have to long jump into a lake. The spectators should have much drier back-sides on Thursday than they would have this morning, too. So, though it would have been nice to have known it wasn't going to rain, drier conditions (which we will hopefully have Thursday) will be much more ideal.


It looks like a great day to go bowling, play board games, read, or spring clean. But, not such a great day for a track meet. This Thursday, however, looks fabulous.

We will postpone our meet until Thursday. Warm-ups will begin at 4:30 and the meet will start at 5:00. The nice thing is, we are pretty much ready for it. I'll need to make sure we get the lights turned on at dusk, and the time estimates for the events won't apply, but other than that we should be good to go!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Practice Thursday 3/26

Tracksters, I feel like a decapitated chicken--running around in every direction!! Hopefully that feeling will subside soon. BUT, we do have keys to the bathroom, runners placed into their events, a program printed, relay teams formed, and most importantly--a megaphone (courtesy of Parks and Rec). Whenever the meet happens, I think we're ready.

Everyone surely looked ready at practice on Thursday. The yellow group ran 200's and learned to do the shot-put. The purple group practiced long jump and timed the 100 and the 50 (AND they ran a 2-lap warm-up!!). The pink group practiced hand-offs for the 4x100 relay and played Foxes and Hounds. The green group practiced shot-put, learning to do a couple of quick steps before the put. Then they practiced 4x100 hand-offs. I saw some real hard work and speed out there amongst all the groups. I can't wait to see how much everyone improves as the season progresses!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Practice Tuesday 3/24

Today all the groups did some "time trials" so they would have personal bests to try to better at our coming meet. I was very impressed at the intestinal fortitude (GUTS!!!) displayed by the runners. The yellow group ran the 50 and 100 one at a time, which for some took alot of courage. It is often easier to run in a group. The purple group started off at the long jump pit and got jumps recorded to try to improve on at the meet. Then they timed a 400m and a 200m. The pink group ran a hard 200 and a 400. And the green group gets the golden shoe award for running time trials for the 100, 200, 400 AND 800. Way to go guys!!

I'm excited for our meet. Thursday the t-shirts and singlets will be in, so even if it is raining, come by the track to pick yours up. If weather looks bad on Saturday, I will make a call on the meet by 7:30 Sat. morning at the latest, so check your email.

The rain-out date for this meet is next Thursday, April 2.

Monday, March 23, 2009

New Practice Times

We have moved our Tuesday and Thursday practices to 4:30 because of usage conflicts with the high school soccer team. We will begin promptly so we can be finished at 5:30. See you at practice!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

In the face of odds...

My dad was a college football player. He told me a story of meeting several of his football buddies to work out at the gym. They all arrived there only to find that the gym was closed for maintenance. These guys were all geared up to have a hard workout pumping iron and exercising, so they were very disappointed to find it closed. One guy didn't stand around moping long, he set down his gym bag and started doing push-ups right there by the front door. This impressed my dad, and he used this guy as an example to teach me that if you are dedicated, and something is truly important to you, you will make it happen.

In the face of some opposition, we made practice happen today. When we arrived, it looked like the soccer team wasn't going to let us use the track. One thing that worked to our advantage is that there are ALOT of us. Our numbers are a force to be reckoned with! Secondly, we DO have permission from the school system--and we are insured as a team-- to be on the track at the time of our practices each week. Once the people in charge were aware of that, they softened quite a bit and consented to our using all but the homestretch. And even with only a portion of the track to use, about 60 athletes were able to get good workouts in!

After warming up and stretching, the yellow group did a pyramid workout: 50, 100, 200, 100, 50. Then they practiced the standing long jump.
I got to work with the purple group today. We practiced the standing long jump, then we played several rounds of foxes and hounds in the field behind the discus net. After our dynamic movement exercises, we headed to the track and ran 3 100's--starting at the 200 start and practicing running on the inside of the lane around the curve. Then we learned to do indian relays with the baton and ran a couple of 200 loops doing that.
The pink group began doing indian relays with the baton. This is done by having a group of 5 or 6 runners jog single file. The front runner holds a baton. The back runner moves to the right and passes all the runners in the line(she must pick up her pace quit a bit to do this). Once she's at the front, the previous front runner who is holding the baton says, "Stick," and hands off the baton to the new front runner. This is repeated as the group loops around the track. The pink group couldn' t be on the track for this today, so they did it in the field in front of the shot-put area. Then they moved on to the track to practice relay hand-offs.
The green group practiced relay hand-offs, running several 100m sprints working to get their technique perfected.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Important Information for First Meet

We only have FOUR more practices before our first meet, so , though March 28 seems far away, it will be here before we know it!!


I need to know who will be participating in this meet so I can get the programs made. Parents, if your child will be participating in the meet March 28th, please send $5 with your child to give to their group coach at the next practice. If your child plans to be in the meet but will not be at practice on Thursday(March 12) or Saturday (March 14), please email me to let me know.

Each child will have the opportunity to run in 3 individual track events, 2 field events, and one relay. We are hosting 3 teams, so the competition should be exciting!

On the day of the meet, we will need parents to volunteer in the following positions: 2 timers, 2 standing long jump officials, 2 shot-put officials, 2 concessions workers. If you would like to claim one of these positions, let me know. The visiting teams will be providing some volunteers as well.

The concession stand is the sole club fundraiser. We ask that each family donates 1 package of snack foods or drinks (chips, granola bars, gatorade, water, etc) The money the club makes from selling these will fund our awards dinner at the end of the season. We will collect these items the morning of the meet.

Thanks for all your help. This program would not work without all the help and support of everyone involved!!

Practice Tuesday 3/10/09

We warmed up and stretched out as a team, then...

The yellow group did some dynamic movement exercises. The remainder of the practice they worked on relays. Teaching 4-6 year-olds to pass a baton inside lanes is no small feat--even Olympians don't always get it right. However, I am pleased to say that our little athletes did a remarkable job. After practicing it a few times in one passing zone, they spread out around the track and did the full 4x100. WAY TO GO!!!

The purple group began at the shot-put. They had learned the technique on Saturday using a weighted soft-ball. Today they got to try it with a real shot. Their coach was able to record distances for each of them so they will have a goal to beat at our first meet. After shot put, they moved on to the track and learned to pass the baton in the passing zones in their lanes. They also caught on very quickly and completed a full 4x100 relay!!

The pink group began at the long jump pit. I have recently been corrected by a veteran coach--what was once called the "standing broad jump" is now called the "standing long jump," so I will try to refer to it correctly from now on. Coach Ridley was able to record distances for each girl so they will have the opportunity to set a personal best at the first meet. After jumping, the girls played several rounds of foxes and hounds.

The green group began with their dynamic movement exercises, then played several rounds of foxes and hounds--moving farther away from the cone as they went. They finished up with standing long jump. I need to check with their coach, but I THINK she was able to record their jumps, too.

A few of the older athletes who missed Saturday's practice learned shot-put for the last 10 minutes of practice. They all did a great job! My favorite part about coaching is getting to work in small groups and one-on-one with each participant.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Practice Sat. 3/7/09

We started a few minutes late due lack of parking from a road race happening near the track. After a lap warm-up and stretching as a team,

The yellow group, led by Mr. El, Mr. Jason, and Mrs. Callie (THANKS for helping out since Coach Kanita had to be away!), did their dynamic movement exercises (high-knees, bum-kicks, and bounding). Then they played some relay games with buckets and tennis balls. They took turns (in 2 smaller groups) practicing broad jump and practicing running in their lanes. And they played some foxes and hounds (I think..)

The purple group also did their dynamic movement exercises. Then they got to learn shot-put technique using a weighted soft-ball. They did an excellent job, and I think they'll be ready for the real thing next time. They played some Foxes and Hounds, and ended with learning to pass and hold the baton in a few relay games.

The pink group did their dynamic movement exercises, then did four 200m sprints. They went from there to the shot-put circle where they learned technique and after two practice puts, their coach was able to record a distance for each girl. This will be the distance they try to beat at the first meet. They looked really good and picked up on the technique impressively well. Finally, the girls went to the first back curve and learned to, then practiced baton hand-offs. They will be using this technique during the 4x100 relay.

The green group started out at the shot-put. They also picked up on the technique well and their coach was able to record distances for them to strive to better. From there, the boys did three 200m sprints, then did baton hand-off practice--doing a fourth 200 in the process. Finally, their coach let them choose an active game to play for the remaining few minutes of practice. They chose Duck-Duck Goose, and had a ball chasing each other around the circle!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Workout Thursday 3/5/09

After warm-ups today (in which most of the team ran 1 lap, and a few ran 2), we stretched as a team. Then we broke off into groups.

The yellow group started with some sprinting, had a bathroom break, then had a lot of fun doing broad jump. They finished out their workout with some 50's and 100's on the homestretch.

The purple group also did the broad jump. They then did a pyramid workout: 100m, 100m, 50, 50, 100, 100.

The pink group started with a pyramid of 200, 100, 100, 200. Then they practiced broad jump.

The green group started out with the broad jump. I was able to work with this group today. When we do the broad jump, the kids get to do two jumps at a time. The goal is to make the second jump longer by looking past the mark of their feet in the sand from the first jump. ALL the boys succeeded in doing this! The second part of our workout was a pyramid of 200, 100, 100, and 200. We have some fast, hard-working, boys. They didn't complain and ran very hard.

Great job to everyone today! And I was able to workout getting the bathrooms opened (which turned out to be harder than I thought...) !

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First Practice!

Today was our first practice! Besides the bathrooms being locked (I will be making phone calls in the morning to make sure that isn't an issue again!), it went very well.

After going over rules, the team broke into groups and met their group coaches. The coaches took attendance, and then each group did a warm-up jog and stretching. Next, each group learned to do their dynamic movement exercises: high-knees, bum-kicks, and bounding.

The Yellow group played several rounds of Foxes and Hounds. They seemed to have energy to spare!

The Purple group took a lap around the track learning where the field events are and practicing the broad-jump a few times. Then they played a few rounds of Foxes and Hounds.

The Pink group played several rounds of Foxes and Hounds, running most of the backstretch several times.

The Green group also played Foxes and Hounds, but down on the field behind the backstretch.

Based on what I saw today, I may be amping-up our workouts a bit. We have a high-energy group that seems very well conditioned. They were all very respectful and excited for track and field.