Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First Practice!

Today was our first practice! Besides the bathrooms being locked (I will be making phone calls in the morning to make sure that isn't an issue again!), it went very well.

After going over rules, the team broke into groups and met their group coaches. The coaches took attendance, and then each group did a warm-up jog and stretching. Next, each group learned to do their dynamic movement exercises: high-knees, bum-kicks, and bounding.

The Yellow group played several rounds of Foxes and Hounds. They seemed to have energy to spare!

The Purple group took a lap around the track learning where the field events are and practicing the broad-jump a few times. Then they played a few rounds of Foxes and Hounds.

The Pink group played several rounds of Foxes and Hounds, running most of the backstretch several times.

The Green group also played Foxes and Hounds, but down on the field behind the backstretch.

Based on what I saw today, I may be amping-up our workouts a bit. We have a high-energy group that seems very well conditioned. They were all very respectful and excited for track and field.

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